GBPro Window (Squeegee) Stainless Steel Wiper with blade 25cm (10")The GBPro is made from extra strong Marine grade Brushed stainless steel with rubber grip handle - this strong and durable wiper is a professional product sold throughout Europe and utilised by the trade & industry for the ultimate cleaning performance. This also means that you have 2 sides of the high grade rubber to use (unlike cheaper versions), which will be cost effective, doubling its life and in it use, energy saving and streak-free when cleaning your windows.Dimensions: 25 x 15 x 3 centimetres (0.2 kg)------------------------------------ 当店は、アメリカ カリフォルニアを本店とする海外ショップです。



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ショップ Excellent Imports
税込価格 3,458円